Saturday, April 14, 2018

Mahathir is bn/umno/exumno

Dr Thirunavukkarasu Karasu is a pilot by profession. A captain by rank, he now flies Vietnam Air. In his past time, he is a prolific writer. I came to know him when I was editor of The Borneo Post and he was our columnist. His wife is Iban from Betong. Very well read and knowledgeable, his PhD is in civil engineering. Friendly and open-minded, his Sermonette is written on a daily basis. Here is one he wrote last Wednesday: Wednesday Sermonette: Vote Mahathir to Save Malaysia! 21 Dalil Kenapa Mahathir Tidak Boleh Menjadi PM. I want to thank Tun Dr Mahathir for making me a pilot. You see, right after I graduated with a PhD in civil engineering, I was told the “Indian quota” for university lecturers had been met and only qualified to renew my “Pensyarah Sementara” contract every few months. Despite another university offering me Associate Professorship. I tried to help Mahathir’s “Bumiputera Only” clause by switching to a post-doctoral programme in the USA which I qualified for. That too, was met with another “Bumiputera Only” clause, which doomed my public academic career and forced me to become a pilot instead. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Discrimination.

 1) When I was in Standard 2, Mahathir devised a secret market manipulation plan for the tin industry through his corporate entity Maminco Holdings. After the global tin price collapse, his company lost USD 253 million losses and folded up. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Bad Governance.

 2) Then the infamous murder, Loraine Esme Osman, George Chan and the Carrian Group CBT scandal in Hong Kong that led to Bumiputera Malaysia Finance Ltd’s missing RM 2.5 billion. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Financial Mismanagement. 

3) Then his ambitious heavy industries project and creation of Perwaja Steel in which he holds significant equity that eventually suffered RM 10 billion losses. Of course Mr scapegoat Tan Sri Eric Chia gets to be the fall guy. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from GLC Losses. 

4) Then his Maggie Thatcher-inspired bullshit of “Dasar Persyarikatan Malaysia” that simply transferred state infrastructure into the hands of his personal friends, ranging from electricity to telecommunications to the railway network. This marked the beginning of the ultra-rich Malay populace and billionaire oligarchs that alienated his party into two groups. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Bad Policies. 

 5) Then his 1985 forex manipulation scandal that resulted in Bank Negara losing over USD 10 billion ringgit reserves. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Forex losses.

 6) Then the repeated bailout of MAS after losing RM 8 billion over 8 years under the reign of his personal friend. He forces our government to buy MAS Shares at RM8 from Public Funds, with himself obtaining a controlling stake of 32% even after the shares plummeted to RM3. The result? A transfer of RM 1.8 billion of public funds into Tajuddin’s hands. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Kleptocrats.

 7) Then the RM 4.6 billion losses of corruption within PKFZ with himself at the helm but conveniently leaving Tun Ling Liong Sik to take the rap. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Financial Misreporting. 

8. Then his economic racism of long supply chains for Proton Holdings and every other industry under the “Bumi Vendor Development Program”, effectively forcing everyone buying only from his “accredited suppliers”, creating rich people free to peddle their money in favour of further awarding of contracts and tenders. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Money Politics.

 9) Then his decision to thumb his nose at the WTO and slap 300% duties on foreign cars, forcing Malaysians to buy shitty Protons and leaving them servicing 300% bank loans over 9 years, with his political friends obtaining sole rights to distribute all cars. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Trade Protectionism. 

10) Then 22 years of leaving Sarawak and Sabah at the doldrums of development, deflecting state oil royalty money into his pet projects, transforming the fisherman state of Langkawi into what it is and of course, Putrajaya. Now he says East Malaysians are “depending on handouts” and need to “improve themselves”. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Bangsa J, Bangsa K, Bangsa Sabah and Bangsa Sarawak. 

 11) Then the famous Operasi Lalang, where he throws people he doesn’t like into jail without trial, keeping them for 2 years and pretending to “save the country”. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Wrongful Arrests.

 12) Then he shuts down 3 national newspapers for reporting his political and financial scandals and throws the editors in jail while pretending to save us all from the fake news that these newspapers were peddling. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from curtailment of Press Freedom.  

 13) Then he removes the Lord President himself and sets an “Executive over Judiciary” principle of despotic rule, unprecedented in the history of Malaysia. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from government Interference in the Judiciary. 

14) Then he creates ‘Project IC’ to reverse the religious demographic in Sabah, leading to unprecedented numbers of immigrants in Sabah and a security problem that finally revealed in size at the height of the Lahad Datu incident. And the numbers are still unknown. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Illegal Immigrants. 

15) Then he blames the ringgit’s collapse on “George Soros” and the Jews. Since that didn’t work, he decides to claim he had a homosexual deputy and sacks him. Then he sends riot control police to fire tear gas at the rakyat and throws a few more in jail. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Human Rights Abuses.

 16) Then he sends balaclava-clad bozos to the family home of his former deputy while they were having dinner. They break the glass door and kidnap him in front of his family before forcefully incarcerating him. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Political Persecution.

 17) Then he sends his chief goon to punch his former deputy in the face, and then pretends to be shocked at the “treatment” his poor deputy got in jail. Then he announces the creation of an “Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission” to “investigate the police”, and then cancels funding for it. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from turning into a Police State.

 18) Then he realises the ringgit’s collapse is imminent unless he does something quick to start repaying the huge loans his party members took from banks for their grandiose projects. But instead of allowing the banking system to correct his problem, he forces the profitable ones to merge into a set of “anchor banks” connected to his party and redistributes their assets. Then he stops Malaysians from parking their money overseas, blames the Singaporeans, the Jews and the Americans for his financial mismanagement. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Capital Controls.

 19) Then he blames the Jews again for September 11 2001, flies to NYC to “visit” the victims and them says that terror attacks on Americans are “justified” since they were the ones who “voted” their politicians that created the policies in the Middle East. He also bans Schindler’s List and claims it shows “too much sympathy for the Jews”. He also agrees with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the Jewish Holocaust may “never have happened”. He also fires a gentleman footballer, Zoran Nikolic after winning the Malaysia Cup with Selangor/Kuala Lumpur just because he holds a Serbian passport. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Religious Fundamentalism. 

20) Then he allows racism to divide us through formal academic training in his own government to try convince the biggest government agencies that Race A was superior to Race B and Race C as they are merely “pendatang” and not “sons of the soil”. Then uses this division to justify more racist policies. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Racism.

 21) Then he claims Kit Siang practiced “cronyism” by allowing his son Guan Eng to become Chief Minister in Penang. Then he allows his son Mukhriz to become Menteri Besar of Kedah as that is “not cronyism”. Then he gets all upset when his son is sacked for going against his big boss. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Cronyism and Nepotism. So PH supporters, what say you we give this remorseful old man another shot at leading our beloved country? Do we let Mahathir “Save Malaysia”? Or do we save Malaysia from Mahathir?- Capt Thirunavukkarasu, PhD.

 ***by a M'sian legislator. Is the above the truth or fake? You decide.....

Monday, December 9, 2013

3. Buat Nakal

BN is Buat Nakal or Begin Nakal or Be Nil or Be Nothing in Nelson Mandela--

Umno fought for the “same cause” as Nelson Mandela

By Kee Thuan Chye
Umno President Najib Razak diminished the stature of a great man when he said last Saturday at his party’s general assembly that Umno fought for the “same cause” as Nelson Mandela, who had died two days before.
What same cause? Mandela fought against racial discrimination whereas Umno institutionalised racial discrimination a few decades ago and still upholds it.
Mandela never advocated black supremacy, whereas Umno promotes Ketuanan Melayu (Malay supremacy).
After he became president of South Africa, Mandela proposed reconciliation and sought to bring the races in his country together, whereas in Malaysia, Umno divides the races in order to keep itself in power.
Even at its general assembly, Umno’s delegates lobbied for the ethnocentric ‘1Melayu’ to replace the more inclusive ‘1Malaysia’, bashed the Chinese for not supporting the party at the last general election, and demanded a bigger stake in the economy, totally ignoring the reality that most of the country’s economic development is now already in Malay hands.
Furthermore, no less an Umno leader than Awang Adek Hussin, who is also the country’s deputy finance minister, proposed that private companies should declare how they support the Bumiputera agenda in their annual reports. He also insisted that, because Malays now make up almost 70 per cent of the population, the hiring policy of private companies should reflect the country’s racial composition at every level.
This is effectively saying that CEOs of private companies should also be Malay, and that their staff should be 70 per cent Malay. Indeed. Apa lagi Umno mahu? (What more does Umno want?)
On the other hand, does the civil service reflect the country’s racial composition? Are there 30 per cent non-Malay heads of department? In our public universities, are 30 per cent of vice-chancellors non-Malay?
Mandela did not take away the businesses of the whites in the name of affirmative action for the black South Africans. He allowed the whites to continue to control the economy and as a result of its being in experienced hands, South Africa’s economy grew at a steady, robust rate.
Mandela also believed in inclusiveness, in humanity and human rights. But Umno abhors lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals (LGBTs) although they are no less human beings. One delegate denigrated them by saying at the assembly that LGBTs exist so that “orang jahat (bad people) can be purged, leaving behind only the good people to inherit the earth”. How simplistically stupid, or stupidly simplistic.
Neither does Umno tolerate Shiite (Syiah) Muslims. Delegates urged that the Federal Constitution be amended to give recognition only to Sunni Islam. And Umno vice-president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, in his customary aggressive manner of winning support from the Umno flock, seized the moment to accuse the “No. 2” man in the Opposition party PAS of being a Shiite leader. He called for action to be taken against the latter. It was a clear manifestation of gutter politics posing under the guise of religion.
How, then, could Najib have had the temerity to draw parallels between Umno and Mandela? They couldn’t be more worlds apart. How could he have said what he said and not appear foolish to the outside world? He might have been able to deceive his audience of Umno members, but he cannot deceive the intelligent and discerning.
He apparently rationalised it by claiming that no race has been deprived under the New Economic Policy (NEP). He probably knows better – or else he is ignorant or dumb – but he still played to the gallery. When he asked his audience, “Were (other races) sidelined during the NEP? Did we ever hurt the livelihood of other races?”, they of course responded with a resounding “no”. This of course is an act of syiok sendiri too.
They chose to conveniently forget the millions of non-Malays who over the decades have been deprived of places in public universities, scholarships, jobs in the civil service, promotions, higher ranks in the security forces, government projects (except the big crony Chinese companies), etc.
They pretended not to know that the non-Malays most hurt by the NEP were the low-income and middle-class groups. Many of their children could not pursue tertiary education through lack of means. Those who could had parents who worked extra hard to make extra money to send their children to private institutions.
They chose to ignore the truth that the push for Ketuanan Melayu caused non-Malays to be sidelined in unjust, uncountable ways and turned them into second-class citizens.
Now, to add insult to injury, they profess no knowledge of all that, still present the Malays as victims after more than 50 years of independence from the British “oppressors”, brand the “foreign races” (meaning non-Malays) as threats, lament that the Malays might become “slaves in their own land”, ask for more handouts, more projects, more quotas.
Enough is never enough. At every annual general assembly, they dish out the same laments, the same non-Malay bashing, the same demands for more opportunities while at the same time moaning that Malay entrepreneurs still need “hand-holding”. Their thinking is this: Ask and it shall be given. Just like that. No need to prove their abilities first, no need to be free of “hand-holding” first, no need to work to attain their goals. That’s the attitude they take.
And this is equated with Mandela’s struggle?
This sort of attitude exhibited by Umno is what pisses off a lot of people and makes them hate the party. If Najib’s comparison between Umno and Mandela doesn’t piss off the South African Government, well, that’s its business. But if it does, President Jacob Zuma might want to demand an apology from Najib for showing disrespect and distorting the principles of the great Mandela.
Najib cannot exploit a good man’s name to justify his party’s petty schemes.
* Kee Thuan Chye is the author of the new book The Elections Bullshit, now available in bookstores.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

2. GST - Go Sabah Trap

What is the impact of GST to Sabah?  Go Sabah Trap!!!

If an average consumer -  rich, medium, poor spends RM5,000 ?? on the GST taxable items per year and that for 4,000,000 consumers including tourists, the Federal coffer stands to get RM12b (can be much more) in GST per year.

How much would Sabah get in return in 2015 and beyond?

Would it be just an allocations of RM2-3 billions as normal?

The extra revenue from Sabah would be used for the greedy CRIMINALS in Government for their own agenda in Barang Naik, Bila Naik, Baru Naik , Berapa Naik, Banyak Naik in massive corruption and profligacy.

The overall impact of GST @6% is adverse for Sabah as prices already increasing would further increase resulting in general hardship for all be they rich (not that rich), working class, pensioners, senior citizens without pension, lower wage earners even with minimum wages starting 1.1.2014.

What would this hardship be translated into?

If the semi rich people decide to stop spending on capital items all attracting GST6%, a lot of the existing local industries like entertainment, furniture and cars etc would likely to close down, the rich or super rich largely from the BN/UMNO cronies would spend their money outside Sabah added to the downward woes of dwindling consumption.  These groups (about 10% of the 4m) would really have the greatest damaging impact of much reduced domestic consumption.

The working class would not have the level of the disposal income to spend as they have done so prior to GST and so the level of consumption would also decrease.

No need to mention the pensioners and those senior citizens without pension or steady income, and the lower income group would have nothing much to spend except two little meals per day.

So the next thing we would expect is local industries and many shops in Sabah would close down making many people jobless and spiral of curses would go on as burden to live is worsening.

What would all those increasing jobless be impacting in the families?

So if Federal Government want to implement GST 6%, then it must standby with at least 70% of the GST collected in the first few months/ years of implementation to resolve the economic crisis (considered the normal teething problem of the introduction of GST).

The economic crisis would sure to precipitate because of the following reasons:-

1.      Sabah is very behind in domestic items industries as GST is viable for industrialized nation;
2.      Any new structure or system would cause apprehension for the businesses and consumers.
3.      The first rate @6% is too much tax and 10+6-6 (after GST) is not lower prior to GST after repeal of sales and service tax and Sabah is  likely to see double taxation.  If any politician wants to think GST 6% is lower than previous tax, please standby the billions of Ringgit to fill in the gap as an irrevocable GUARANTEE.
4.      Why want to collect so much from Sabah to bring curses to all?
5.      Tourism sector would suffer as many businesses and shops to support this sector would not be there.

Conclusion for this article (more to come on GST)
Sabah be zero rated for 5 years until 2019 and see that the domestic items industries is fully developed by then.